Thursday 22 August 2013

Undara National Park

One more thing to cross off my Bucket List - Lava Tubes. We did the tour this morning - what more can I say but AMAZING.  It is an incredible natural wonder.
This afternoon we have done a circuit walk to the Bluff to take in some fabulous views.
Heading off tomorrow to who knows where -watch this space.
My camera just does not do justice to the lava tube.

The view from the Bluff with the resort in the left of the photo.


  1. Glad you got to do the tour and the walk - it is amazing. How was the campsite? Was it packed? Did you book before hand? Were all the rail carriages still there?

  2. And ...
    I wonder where you are today, celebrating your Birthday Bev.
    Happy Birthday

  3. Thanks for the birthday wishes Lin. This time last year we were at Umagico!!
    We are at Millaa Millaa tonight. Harry is cooking me a lamb roast. yum
    We did book at Undara but only a couple of days before. We had an unpowered site but there were powered sites available. Yes the carriages are still there. They have pulled down the Bistro serving area and are about to rebuild it.
