Friday 16 August 2013


It is Harry's Day today.  His birthday wishes were prawns for lunch, Barra for dinner cooked at the camp site and a nana nap this afternoon.
We finished up having dinner at the Sunset Tavern last night with a couple we have been catching up a bit with on our travels.Last night was our last catch up as they have now left for home in S.A.  Nice people T Van owners!!  It must have been a good night as we were the last to leave.
It is quite windy here today which is keeping the temp down a bit and the sea is a bit choppy.
There was some talk of a hint of a Morning Glory this morning so we are not sure if we have seen one or not!!
We have a very early start tomorrow - we have to be packed up and back in Normanton (71k's away) by 8.30am to catch the Gulflander to Critters Camp for morning tea.
Sunset over the Gulf of Carpenteria

Harry enjoying his beautiful fresh prawns for lunch on his Birthday

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