Friday 23 August 2013

Undara National Park - Millaa Millaa

What a difference a day makes!!!
We started the day with a walk around the rim of the Kalkani crater which is in the drought stricken Undara National Park. Today we have driven to Millaa Millaa along a beautiful scenic drive through a lush rain forest.
We are actually camped on green grass and have pulled our jumpers out of the bowels of the camper.

Undara National Park

Millaa Milla scenic drive


  1. So pleased you managed to fit in a walk around the crater - weren't the views from there amazing

  2. Glad you were spoilt with a lamb roast for your Birthday. Sorry we weren't there to celebrate with you. We will have to share a glass of our Team 178 Years Shiraz when you get back

  3. Yes the lamb was delicious - and Harry washed up too!!!
    Looking forward to a Shiraz and we can celebrate your achievement too.
