Sunday 18 August 2013

Karumba - Croydon

Saturday morning was an early start to travel from Karumba to Normation to catch the Gulflander train at 9am for a 3 hour round trip to Critters Camp for billy tea and damper, before heading off to Croydon.
We arrived in Croydon just in time for Beer & Bullshit at 5pm at the Caravan Park.
Today we had a rest day (remember Harry doesn't travel on a Sunday!).  We took a picnic lunch to Lake Belmore about 3 ks out of town.
Off to the pub for dinner tonight - with a view of the sunset - that is after Beer & Bullshit at 5pm. As I type this at 3.50pm it is 37deg. Hope it cools down as we get closer to the coast!!
The Gulflander at Critters Camp

This is a photo I took of the sunset over the gulf the second night.  I was not happy with the last sunset photo 

This shop is incredible inside.  It is 120 years old next year and still operates as a general store selling hardware, souvenirs, groceries, electrical appliances and a museum, 
Bill Tea and Damper - we even got to keep the mug!!


  1. mmmm - no posts for a few days and in fact no facebook posts from Harry either. Maybe technology has failed you? Hope all is well. Wondering where you were heading after Croydon. I presume that you were continuing on along the Gulf Development Road and heading for Undarra. There is a place along the Gulf Development Road where there is an amazing gorge. We never got there to it, but it had rave reviews from people so I hope you get to see it and post some photos of it to make me jealous. The name of it escapes me.

  2. We have been out of range since we left Croyden. Went to Cobbard Gorge which is probably the name you were thinking of. FABULOUS.
    We are now at Undara doing the tour of the Lava Tubes tomorrow.
    Just about to do the blog. x Bev

  3. Fantastic - I am glad you got to go there - yes it is Cobold Gorge I was thinking of. Looking forward to lots of pictures and reading all about it
