Friday 2 August 2013

Thursday and Friday - Richmond - Cloncurry

Thursday 1/8 Richmond - Kynuna
Firstly I must make a correction re the moon rocks.  They are limestone not sandstone.
Late of Wed afternoon we walked around Lake Fred Tritton in Richmond.  It is like an oasis in a desert!!
Man made in about 2003.  It is used for all forms of water sport and the walk includes a Bush Tucker walk.
Yesterday we stopped at Julia Creek to check out the dunnart - not unlike a mouse.  Unique to this area but the wild cats are eating them.  On to Kynuna to see the Combo waterhole where Banjo Paterson wrote Waltzing Matilda. Had a few drinks and dinner in the Blue Healers Hotel.

Friday 2/8 Kynuna - Cloncurry
Stopped at 10.30am for a drink at the Walkabout Creek Hotel.  A bit embarrassing - we had to wait for the pub to open!!!  Have been sightseeing in Cloncurry this afternoon incl. the John Flynn Centre.
It is the muster this weekend in Cloncurry so we are heading out tonight to the street parade.
 This is the endangered Dunnart
Lake Fred Tritton in Richmond
Walkabout Creek Hotel from Crocodile Dundee
 The bar at Walkabout Creek.
 the dam at Cloncurry it is soooo dry out here
Harry playing Waltzing Matilda on his harmonica at the billabong where is was written.

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