Monday 5 August 2013

Cloncurry - Mt. Isa

Wow!!!  What a change in the landscape after you leave Cloncurry.  Coming into Cloncurry it was flat, open cattle country and come out the other side towards Mt. Isa and it just changes completely.  Rugged, rocky hills all around you - quite a contrast but also beautiful.
We stopped at the Burke & Wills Monument (as you do) before going into the ghost town of Mary Kathleen.  How sad, that what would have been a close community, just torn apart when the mine was disbanded .  All the buildings were auctioned off in April 1984.  You can see where the main shopping centre was and the streets are all bitumen with curbing.  Reminded me of Maytown Lin.
Now we are in Mt. Isa for our next bit of adventure.
Self explanatory

Mary Kathleen township

The shopping centre in Mary Kathleen

Bitumen and gutters in Mary Kathleen

The landscape between Cloncurry and Mt. Isa

1 comment:

  1. Yes we checked out Mary Kathleen when we came through - quite sad really.
    Wondering what you have planned for Mt Isa.......
