Wednesday 28 August 2013


Up and at it this morning with a early morning walk from Horseshoe Bay to Queens Beach along the waterfront walkway with beautiful views of course and lovely parklands.
We have done the touristy things today looking at all the pictureque little bays and up to Flagstaff Hill Lookout with its 360 deg. views over Bowen and the northern Whitsunday group of Islands. Visited the new "Catalina" monument at Port Denison. We got talking to a lady who was a volunteer on the set of the movie "Australia". She was very informative. It was filmed on the foreshore of Port Denison.
Of course we then had to call into the Co-op for Barra and green prawns for dinner tonight. 
Not only does Flagstaff Hill Lookout have surpurb views it also has devonshire teas!!!!

This is where "Australia" was made.  They built the set and pulled it down when they had finished.  The building in the distance with a small dome on top is all that remains except for the jetty that Nicole Kidman walked along.

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