Wednesday 21 August 2013

Croydon - Cobbald Gorge - Undara

After travelling on a very corrugated road for 80ks with sharp rocks on a very hot day we arrived at Cobbald Gorge to a WOW factor.  A beautiful infinity pool with bar and restaurant overlooking a dam which unfortunately is a bit low on water at the moment.  We, of course, spent the afternoon at the bar and pool.
The following day we did the tour of the Gorge on a special motorized boat - another Wow factor.Today we have arrived at Undara ready for our tour of the Lava Tube tomorrow morning.
Freshwater croc in Cobbold Gorge

The boat that took us up the gorge was especially designed for the narrow width of the gorge.

Post swim drink at Cobbald Gorge 

What a beautiful oasis in the middle of the dry Aust. bush.  This photo does not do it justice.
We have been out of phone range for a couple of days and were surprised to be able to do the blog here but here it is.


  1. Looks and sounds great - hope we can get there one day. It has obviously lived up to expectations of how people have described it.
    You will love the Lave tubes. Make sure you do the walk with the view over the top of them all

  2. Yes. We are doing that walk on the way out tomorrow. I've decided to buy a new camera when I get back. I am very disappointed with the photos mine is taking.
