Friday 6 September 2013

Gin Gin - Kingaroy - HOME

After a most enjoyable evening with Judy & Bernie at Crane winery in Kingaroy we are finally home. We could not stretch the holiday out any longer!! So here ends our final chapter in our North Queensland trip.  We hope you found our travels entertaining.
Yeppoon barra & prawns at Crane Winery with Judy,Bernie & Howard

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Yeppoon - Gin Gin

Yesterday way a rest day - sightseeing (although a little windy!!), shopping etc.
Today we drove closer and closer to the end of our holidays.  Travelled via Emu Park - another lovely little spot - and on to Tannum Sands.  Called in on another work mate of Harry's - Michelle King for morning tea and are now overnighting in a freebie 2ks north of Gin Gin. Tomorrow we are off to Kingaroy to stay with Judy & Bernie.
The Singing Ship at Emu Park. As it was a windy day it sounded really good.

Monday 2 September 2013

Clairview - Yeppoon

We are all set for a couple of days in Yeppoon.  Lovely spot although a bit windy at the moment.
Beach at Yeppoon

I think we arrived at low tide!!

Sunday 1 September 2013

Eungella National Park - Clairview

Woke in a blanket of fog this morning.  It was beautiful to watch as it lifted.
Checked out (and bought from) the Eungella Sunday markets before continuing to Sarina where we visited the cemetery.  My mum has relatives there.  Now we are at Clairview as a stopover.  Lovely little spot on the ocean.
Where did the valley go??

Ahhh - there it is!!

Having a drink at the caravan park at Claireview watching the tide coming in.

Saturday 31 August 2013

Eungella National Park

Today we have done some National Parks walks, had lunch at the historic Eungella Chalet and actually saw  platypus - not sure if we saw the same one eight times!!!
Our bush walk

This is Harry contemplating how he is going to tackle the steep drive back down the mountain tomorrow.  It is  actually the hang gliding take off ramp in front of the Chalet where we had lunch.

Not a good shot but proof we did see a platypus

Friday 30 August 2013

Bowen - Eungella National Park

After morning tea at Airlie Beach we traveled on to Eungella National Park.  It was a very steep ascent but well worth it.  The view from our campsite is spectacular!!!
Oh the serenity at Airlie Beach away from the tourist strip of shops!!!

This is where we are about to have our afternoon drinks!!!

Thursday 29 August 2013

Still Bowen

Another early morning walk.  This time up to 2 lookouts.  We had a guilt free cooked brekky following that workout.
A quiet day today after driving to another lookout on top of a water tower.  There are so many lookouts to appreciate the spectacular views Bowen has to offer.
Horseshoe Bay beach (our local!!)

Incredible, isn't it?

I feel right at home here!!

Wednesday 28 August 2013


Up and at it this morning with a early morning walk from Horseshoe Bay to Queens Beach along the waterfront walkway with beautiful views of course and lovely parklands.
We have done the touristy things today looking at all the pictureque little bays and up to Flagstaff Hill Lookout with its 360 deg. views over Bowen and the northern Whitsunday group of Islands. Visited the new "Catalina" monument at Port Denison. We got talking to a lady who was a volunteer on the set of the movie "Australia". She was very informative. It was filmed on the foreshore of Port Denison.
Of course we then had to call into the Co-op for Barra and green prawns for dinner tonight. 
Not only does Flagstaff Hill Lookout have surpurb views it also has devonshire teas!!!!

This is where "Australia" was made.  They built the set and pulled it down when they had finished.  The building in the distance with a small dome on top is all that remains except for the jetty that Nicole Kidman walked along.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Lucinda - Alva Beach (Ayr) - Bowen

Would you believe I did not use my camera yesterday - sorry - no photos
We stopped off in Townsville to have morning tea with a work colleague of Harry's and she suggested we stay at Alva Beach which is about 17ks east of Ayr.
Today we have arrived in Bowen.  We are staying at Horseshoe Bay beach for a few days and it is just magic.
Harry has had his prawns for lunch and is planning a beef and reef for dinner tonight. yum!!
Alva Beach, Ayr

Horseshoe Bay beach, Bowen 

Sunday 25 August 2013

Millaa Millaa - Paranella Park - Lucinda

We love the countryside around Millaa Millaa and all it's beautiful waterfalls.
Paranella Park is fantastic.  We did a day and night tour and wandered around both yesterday and this morning. Jose Paranella, who was a pastry cook by trade built this incredible park in the early 1900's. He was a visionary.
Now Mark Evans the owner has a dream to return it as much as possible to it's original glory.  Watch Gardening Australia, ABC, next Saturday 31/8 at 6.30.  Paranella Park is on.
We are now in Lucinda slowly working our way home:(
Milla Milla Falls - what a change to the landscape we have been through the last few weeks!!

Paranella Park. This is where everyone stands for their photo opportunity!! So many photos where do you start??
Devonshire Tea overlooking Mt. Bartle Frere at Mungulla Biodynamic Dairy
Lucinda Jetty is 5.76ks long and transports sugar on conveyor belts to ships

Friday 23 August 2013

Undara National Park - Millaa Millaa

What a difference a day makes!!!
We started the day with a walk around the rim of the Kalkani crater which is in the drought stricken Undara National Park. Today we have driven to Millaa Millaa along a beautiful scenic drive through a lush rain forest.
We are actually camped on green grass and have pulled our jumpers out of the bowels of the camper.

Undara National Park

Millaa Milla scenic drive

Thursday 22 August 2013

Undara National Park

One more thing to cross off my Bucket List - Lava Tubes. We did the tour this morning - what more can I say but AMAZING.  It is an incredible natural wonder.
This afternoon we have done a circuit walk to the Bluff to take in some fabulous views.
Heading off tomorrow to who knows where -watch this space.
My camera just does not do justice to the lava tube.

The view from the Bluff with the resort in the left of the photo.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Croydon - Cobbald Gorge - Undara

After travelling on a very corrugated road for 80ks with sharp rocks on a very hot day we arrived at Cobbald Gorge to a WOW factor.  A beautiful infinity pool with bar and restaurant overlooking a dam which unfortunately is a bit low on water at the moment.  We, of course, spent the afternoon at the bar and pool.
The following day we did the tour of the Gorge on a special motorized boat - another Wow factor.Today we have arrived at Undara ready for our tour of the Lava Tube tomorrow morning.
Freshwater croc in Cobbold Gorge

The boat that took us up the gorge was especially designed for the narrow width of the gorge.

Post swim drink at Cobbald Gorge 

What a beautiful oasis in the middle of the dry Aust. bush.  This photo does not do it justice.
We have been out of phone range for a couple of days and were surprised to be able to do the blog here but here it is.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Karumba - Croydon

Saturday morning was an early start to travel from Karumba to Normation to catch the Gulflander train at 9am for a 3 hour round trip to Critters Camp for billy tea and damper, before heading off to Croydon.
We arrived in Croydon just in time for Beer & Bullshit at 5pm at the Caravan Park.
Today we had a rest day (remember Harry doesn't travel on a Sunday!).  We took a picnic lunch to Lake Belmore about 3 ks out of town.
Off to the pub for dinner tonight - with a view of the sunset - that is after Beer & Bullshit at 5pm. As I type this at 3.50pm it is 37deg. Hope it cools down as we get closer to the coast!!
The Gulflander at Critters Camp

This is a photo I took of the sunset over the gulf the second night.  I was not happy with the last sunset photo 

This shop is incredible inside.  It is 120 years old next year and still operates as a general store selling hardware, souvenirs, groceries, electrical appliances and a museum, 
Bill Tea and Damper - we even got to keep the mug!!

Friday 16 August 2013


It is Harry's Day today.  His birthday wishes were prawns for lunch, Barra for dinner cooked at the camp site and a nana nap this afternoon.
We finished up having dinner at the Sunset Tavern last night with a couple we have been catching up a bit with on our travels.Last night was our last catch up as they have now left for home in S.A.  Nice people T Van owners!!  It must have been a good night as we were the last to leave.
It is quite windy here today which is keeping the temp down a bit and the sea is a bit choppy.
There was some talk of a hint of a Morning Glory this morning so we are not sure if we have seen one or not!!
We have a very early start tomorrow - we have to be packed up and back in Normanton (71k's away) by 8.30am to catch the Gulflander to Critters Camp for morning tea.
Sunset over the Gulf of Carpenteria

Harry enjoying his beautiful fresh prawns for lunch on his Birthday

Thursday 15 August 2013

Normanton - Karumba

Early this morning we did a tourist walk taking in the local history before leaving for the 70k trip to Karumba.
Karumba is divided into 2 sections - the town (which is on the Norman River) and the point.  We are staying at the point which is beautiful - right at the mouth of the Norman River with sweeping views of the Gulf of Carpenteria - MAGIC!!
We are now off to have sunset drinks at the tavern overlooking this magnificant view. Hopefully will have a great sunset shot to send you tomorrow
Harry is 'modelling" to show how huge this croc was that was shot by Krystina Pawlovski in 1957 in the Norman River.  It was 8.63m long and estimated to be 2 tons.  World record.
Salt pans between Normanton and Karumba

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Burketown - Normanton

No Morning Glory this morning :(  but we are still hoping for something in the next few days!
On the road to Normanton taking in the Leichhardt Falls - well actually, they weren't falls, but you could see it would be a spectacular sight if the water was flowing. But it is a grand river as it is.
Got the surprise of my life  when we arrived at the Burke & Wills Camp 119 which is in the middle of the Gulf Country after a 100k dirt road and a another dirt side track to find out that my Uncle Doug had donated the plaque WOW!!!  To see his name was amazing.
This photo doesn't do it justice.  Just imagine the water cascading over the rocks - it would be magnificant

Hope you can read the inscription on the plaque.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Lawn Hill - Burketown

Monday at Lawn Hill National Park started with a 3 1/2 hr. walk to the Upper Gorge coming back through Middle Gorge with it's waterfalls and on to a couple of lookouts.  Very steep climbs over rugged rocks.  By the time we were back to camp it was 36deg.  In the afternoon we did a canoe trip up Lawn Hill Creek to the waterfalls BEAUTIFUL!!!
Today we are now in Burketown - the Barra Capital of Australia - so of course we have had barra for dinner.
We are hoping for a Morning Glory tomorrow morning.  The locals say it is a possibility as the winds are blowing the right direction and they had one on Sunday morning.  I have my fingers crossed!
From the lookout at Lawn Hill

How often do you see 2 T Vans together!!!  - at Burketown
On our canoe trip down Lawn Hill Creek

Sunday 11 August 2013

Mt.Isa - Lawn Hill

We left Mt. Isa on Thursday 8th Aug. after buying a new battery for the camper trailer.  We spent the night at Burke & Wills Roadhouse - a gravel pit of a camping ground!!! It is a road train stop but it had about 30 caravans, campertrailers and motorhomes staying there for the night.  Next morning we stopped at Gregory Downs for morning tea - lovely babbling creek with lots of campers taking advantage of the free camp site.  On to Adels Grove where we were camped for the next two nights.  Beautiful - an oasis in a desert!!!  Now we are at Lawn Hill National Park for the next 2 nights.  The camping ground is dry with scanty trees compared to Adels Grove but Harry is happy - He is getting plenty of sunlight on the solar panels. But the Gorge is a lush landscape compared to the camping area.
The Lookout at Adels Grove where you can get mobile reception. There would have been about 50 of these stone heaps where everyone adds a stone.

The Cascades at Lawn Hill National Paark
Harry floating in the current on a tyre at Adels Grove

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Mt Isa

This morning we did a tour of the Underground Hospital.  It was built during WWII as they thought there was a possibility the Japs may have bombed Mt Isa to get to the lead.  Fortunately it never happened and the hospital was never used.

We had morning tea at Lake Moondarra about 16ks out of town.  MIM built the dam to provide a better water supply to Mt Isa
Tomorrow we are heading to Burke & Wills Roadhouse.
This was the men's ward of the Underground Hospital

Lake Moondarra looking to where we had morning tea.  They have life savers at the "beach" in summer

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Mt. Isa

This morning I did a tour of the Hard Time Mine - dressing up in overalls, hard hat, boots, belt with a battery attached to it to work the head light.  The mine was built for tourists because the work mine stopped doing tours.  This mine is also used for training purposes too apparently.  The tour took 2 1/2 hours including coffee in the Cribb Room (that is the underground tea room).  Harry and I then had lunch at The Buff Club (no - it is not like it sounds - we were dressed!!!).  After lunch we took in yet another museum and then up to the lookout. Harry said he will cook dinner for me tonight since I have been working in the mine today.
Me before I had my boots and head light - I couldn't take the camera beyond this point.

Mt. Isa from the lookout.