Sunday 28 July 2013

Winton - Age of Dinosaurs

We did a tour of the Australian Age of Dinosaurs which is about 24k out of town.  It is a working laboratory and you can actually watch and chat to the technicians as they work.  Absolutely fantastic!  It has only been open about 4 years and they have a lot of work ahead of them.  They are finding so many fossils in the Winton area.  Apparently Winton was on the edge of the inland sea.
We made "music" at the Musical Fence, checked out Arno's Wall and had a drink at the North Gregory Hotel where Waltzing Matilda was first commercially played.
Now I'm looking forward to one of Harry's Weber roasts for dinner!!
 Technician at work at Australian Age of Dinosaurs
The one man band and Harry contemplating how he can get rid of his collectables at home and dinner at Tatts Hotel - yes Don & Liz  I got my lamb shanks!!!

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