Friday 26 July 2013

Quilpie - Longreach

We are now back into civilization again - The Internet!!
Monday 22/7 Quilpie - Eromanga "Land of Opals, oil and dinosaur bones". Also noted for being the town furtherest from the sea.
Tuesday 23/7 Eromanga - Windorah  Cold start. 3 1/2 hr. drive on good road for the outback but very narrow at times and the landscape was quite diverse, mainly flood plains as we entered the Channel Country.  Crossed Cooper's Creek just as we were coming into Windorah. Pop. 85 - 7 children at the school.  As you come into Windorah there is a solar farm which supplies most of the power to the town.
Wednesday 24/7 Windorah - Stonehenge passing through Jundah. Stonehenge has a beautiful info centre which also sells basic groceries, a pub that sells the petrol and that is it!!  Not sure why we were told to stop off there??  We put our names to the Stone Address Book on the way out of town this morning.
St.Finbarr's alter made of opals in Quilpie
Oil Donkey in Eromanga

Cooper's Creek Windorah
 Solar Farm Windorah
 Who remembers the manual truck hand signals?  A guy actually lives in this house in the centre of Windorah
Above the treeless landscape and another great sunset at Stonehenge. Below Cooper's Creek and main street of Eromanga

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are on line again and have arrived safely.
    I bumped into Linda and your Mum shopping at Toowong Village this afternoon Bev :-)
