Friday 26 July 2013

Afternoon in Longreach on the 25/7 and Winton today

We happened to be in Longreach on the 25th Anniversary of the Stockman's Hall of Fame.
Got to listen to our first bush poet with tea and damper and washed down with wine.
Traveling from Longreach to Winton through beautiful sheep country, Harry was impressed with the great road that actually had a white line down the centre!! Have checked out the memorabilia in the main street - sheep, opals, dinosaurs, Waltzing Matilda with Banjo Paterson and Qantas which was conceived in Cloncurry, born in Winton and grew up in Longreach.
Very excited - off to the Camel races tomorrow!!!

A Winton rubbish bin
Banjo Paterson

 You don't see Harry on the wagon very often.   And that black head you can see in the canvas chairs is me waiting to see the movie - no such luck.  I'd have to wait until Wednesday :(
 25th Anniversary of Stockman's Hall of Fame and our bush poet with tea and damper

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